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Antigen Plus 8.5 Installation and Configuration

Pre-installation checklist

  • Identify the workstations or application servers that will run the software.
  • Install .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later on those workstations.
  • Contact your network administrator to ensure that those workstations have outgoing firewall access to:
    • TCP port 443
    • TCP port 443
    • TCP port 1433

Because Microsoft Azure is a high-availability service, these domains have dynamic IP addresses that change over time. Your firewall rules for our servers must be DNS-based rather than IP-based, or you will lose access to the application when the IP addresses change.


Installation should be performed by a Windows system administrator with write access to the system cryptographic store. This is required so that Antigen Plus can install the RSA security keys needed to identify your organization to the Antigen Plus servers and encrypt your PHI.

The basic installation steps for Antigen Plus 8.5 are:

  1. Install Antigen Plus on the first workstation using the Windows Installer (.msi) file.
  2. Launch the Antigen Plus application, click the Register button, and submit the requested registration information.
  3. When prompted, save your company key to a file. You will need this file to install Antigen Plus on additional workstations.
  4. Registration and creation of your first database takes 2-3 minutes. When this process is complete, the main application will launch.

To install Antigen Plus on additional workstations:

  1. Install Antigen Plus using the Windows Installer (.msi) file.
  2. Import the company key using one of these methods:
    1. Launch the Antigen Plus application, click the Import button, and select the file you saved in step 3 above, or
    2. Execute ImportCompanyKey.exe "C:/path/to/company.key" from the command line.

Adding databases

When you register Antigen Plus you automatically receive one cloud database named "default" which you can begin using immediately. If you need additional cloud databases for evaluation, validation, production, or additional facilities, please contact

You may also create additional databases on a SQL Server within your network. Ask your database administrator to create an empty database and give all users db_owner access. Then add the database connection strings to the file connections.config in the Antigen Plus installation folder on each workstation.

Note that the number and use of Antigen Plus databases may be limited by the terms of your Antigen Plus software license.

Selecting databases

Users are automatically connected to the default cloud database when they launch Antigen Plus. They may then switch to a different database using the "Select database…" command in the File menu.

To send users directly to another database, create a shortcut to AntigenPlus8.exe and add the command-line arguments /cloud name or /local name to the target of the shortcut. (Note that name should match the name attribute in the connections.config file, which is not necessarily the same as the name of the SQL database.)

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