Test Panels
This ZIP archive contains sample lots for validation testing. These are the same lots used for our internal unit testing, and are carefully selected to exercise all parts of the evaluation code.
To use these files:
- Download the ZIP archive containing the Validation Lots.
- In Windows File Explorer, right-click on the ZIP archive and choose Extract All… to unzip the archive.
- Use the File > Import Data command in Antigen Plus to import the .PNL files in this folder.
- Search for one of the lots by name, select all cells, and open the Results Worksheet from the Panel menu.
- In Windows Explorer, open the corresponding .png image file.
- Enter the same test results in Antigen Plus that you see in the image file.
- Verify that the rule-out counts and evaluation text is the same as in the image.
- Close the Results Worksheet and clear the selected cells.
- Repeat steps 4-8 for the other lots.
When you have completed validation, you can use the Maintain Lots window to delete the test lots.