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Authenticating Users

User access

After database access is granted, Antigen Plus authenticates and authorizes the user within the software itself. Antigen Plus provides two different methods for authenticating users of the software: 1) Windows Active Directory authentication, and 2) usernames and passwords. You can use one of these methods exclusively, or use them in combination.

Most sites will find it easiest to use Windows Active Directory authentication, and that is the default. In this mode users are identified by their Windows login, and no additional authorization is required. If Automatically create accounts from Windows logins is checked in the Maintain Accounts window, then new Antigen Plus accounts will be created automatically whenever a new Windows user launches the software. Window Active Directory authorization can be enabled or disabled for a particular user using the Login automatically from Windows account checkbox in the Account Settings window.

If Windows Active Directory authorization fails, is disabled, or the user logs out of the software, then the user will be presented with a username/password dialog box to login. This password is maintained within Antigen Plus itself, and is distinct from the user's Windows account password.

If your site wants to require a separate username/password login each time Antigen Plus is launched, this can be accomplished by:

  1. Unchecking the Automatically create accounts from Windows logins box in the Maintain Accounts window.
  2. Unchecking the Login automatically from Windows account box or deleting the user's Windows account from the Account Settings window.