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Antigen Plus uses TCP/IP networking for software licensing, commercial antibody testing panel data, database access, and crash reporting. The amount of data transferred is quite small, so we do not have specific latency or bandwidth requirements.

We do not require any remote access to your workstaions or servers. If you require hands-on assistance with installation, training, or troubleshooting, we will schedule a remote screen-sharing session with you using GoToMeeting or other software of your choice.


The Antigen Plus client application requires outgoing firewall access to these locations:

  • TCP port 443
  • TCP port 443
  • TCP port 1433 (cloud databases only)

Because Microsoft Azure is a high-availability service, these domains have dynamic IP addresses that change over time. Your firewall rules for our servers must be DNS-based rather than IP-based, or you will lose access to the application when the IP addresses change.